4 Ways Edtech Is Making Life Easier for Educators in 2022

COVID-19 put a spotlight on the necessity of educational technology. But it hasn't just proved essential for learning continuity. As the crisis continues to wax and wane, education technologies have become an indispensable teacher's aid, too.

Considering the high levels of educator stress and burnout, these tools are well timed.

"One in three teachers plan to quit the classroom within five years because of increased workload and diminishing respect for the profession, according to a major union survey. The poll by the National Education Union … revealed an education workforce exhausted after a year of Covid disruption, with 70% reporting increased workload over the last 12 months," says The Guardian.

To help educators find more ease and efficiency in their daily demands, schools are increasing their edtech adoption, positively impacting teacher's most critical functions.

Tech to Facilitate Parent-Teacher Communications

According to The Varkey Foundation, 32% of parents worldwide say that the lack of information from their child's school on how they can help is a major obstacle to their involvement in their child's education.

With the proliferation of edtech tools, caregivers no longer have to wait for an annual parent-teacher's meeting to get or stay informed. Most schools have invested in communications platforms like Google Meet, which allow educators to work around families' busy schedules and even utilise built-in translation capabilities.

That communication works both ways.

As Dr. Hanna Dumont, Educational Psychologist and Researcher in International Education, explains, "Collaboration between parents and teachers would not only be helpful for parents, but also be helpful for teachers to know more about the environmental conditions and the family situation where students are coming from, because most of the differences in student outcomes are actually shaped by families and not by schools."

Teachers Can Better Aid Students Who Have Fallen Behind

To overcome the exponential learning loss that has occurred since the pandemic, teachers are leaning heavily on technology to help bring students up to speed.

Educators are discovering it's more important than ever to understand how and where technology is changing so that they can support students in preparing for challenges and careers that don't exist today.

Globally, it's estimated that 75% of jobs will require advanced digital skills by 2030. As a result, virtual tutoring and learning centres that emphasise these key concepts are surging.

Tech is Empowering Teachers with Flexibility

Whether or not hybrid learning is here to stay, flexibility is crucial for students and teachers.

Schools are catching on, focusing on openness, flexibility, and collaboration in their online and in-person classroom designs. In fact, 59% of students are more motivated when using blended learning models

Soon, hybrid and blended classroom designs won't just be a concept born out of necessity – they'll be recognized for their ability to further student achievement. And the numbers are looking promising, with up to 96% of UK teachers thinking the use of technology positively impacts participation and learning.

Teachers Have More Tools to Teach Sustainability

It's not just individuals who are looking to reduce their environmental impact. Schools are also taking responsibility for their portion, choosing education technology that enhances learning while reducing harmful emissions and unnecessary waste.

Specifically, educators are teaching by example, adopting sustainable tech practises like cloud technology. They're not only effective teaching tools – they're showing students how to build a greener future. Organisations that have switched to cloud-based products like Google Workspace have even reported reductions in IT energy use and carbon emissions up to 87%.

Moreover, by engaging students on energy-efficient devices that are versatile and durable, teachers and schools can use the same devices for longer and create less e-waste.

Even the best tech tools can't replace our teachers. They're an invaluable resource. Still, the education technology they choose today will define the educational experiences of tomorrow.


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